Jonathan Barber & Patrick Sommer - The Carolina Franchise Association
Jason Power - Barber Power Law Group
Doug Stout - The Franchise Consulting Company
Devan Kline - Burn Media
Rafael Olartecoechea - Advanced Therpeutics
Doug Schadle - Rhino 7 Franchise Development Company
Chris Connor - Franchise Marketing Systems
TJ Kissane - Franchise Fastlane
Shirley Kefgen - FranFund
Rod Pooter - WorldClass LinkedIn
Justin LaCava / Ashley Cross / Kristie Iavasile - St. Gregory Development Group
Pete Nash - The Franchise Consulting Company
Rachel Poulin - - Guidant Financial
Rafael Olartecoechea - Advanced Therpeutics
Jason Power - Barber Power Law Group
Jeff Dudan - FranDevCo