The largest and most comprehensive series of seminars on franchising and business ownership under one roof.  

• Learn from the experts. 
• Sit in on discussion panels.  
• Interact with other entrepreneurs. 
• Meet with legal and financial experts.



Saturday September 7, 2019

The A to Zs of Buying a Franchise
What To Know Before Buying a Franchise?

Saturday September 7 • 11:40 am - 12:10 pm
Seth Lederman
The Franchise Consulting Company

Seth Lederman has a real passion for business ownership and a true understanding of why not everyone is suited for a cubicle in corporate America. Seth helps professionals and executives across the United States who are interested in learning how to transition from traditional employees in corporate America into small business or franchise owners.

Franchise Your Business

Saturday September 7 • 12:20 pm - 12:50 pm
Chris Connor
Franchise Marketing Systems

For business owners that are considering whether to franchise your business or entrepreneurs that have questions on how to buy a franchise, FMS provides consultative guidance and advice on how to best manage the franchise industry. Mr. Conner has worked directly with several hundred different franchise systems as a franchise consultant and advisor.

Franchise Funding Strategies

Saturday September 7 • 1:00 pm- 1:30 pm
Mariah Bohn

Explore the different the programs available for funding and how to use them to purchase your franchise quickly safely and economically.

How To Drive Explosive Growth in Your Franchise

Saturday September 7 • 1:40 pm- 2:10 pm
Derek Bishop
Franchise Fastlane

Franchisors, If you are interested in learning more about how Franchise FastLane has helped their franchisors move from emerging brands to some of the Fastest growing brands in the country this is the presentation for you. Franchise FastLane is a full turn key franchise development company and they will be talking about how their process works, what makes a good franchise partner and the success they have achieved for the franchise brands they represent. You drive your business. We drive your growth!

Don't Mess Up! - Helpful Tips To Avoid Mistakes in Your Franchise Research

Saturday September 7 • 2:20 pm- 2:50 pm
Todd Weiss
The Franchise MBA

Todd Weiss, CFA is an industry leader in both the franchise and coaching industries. He possesses a special passion for helping people become their absolute best with the gifts they’ve been given. Join Todd for an informative seminar on helpful tips in investigating your options in franchise opportunities.

What To Know Before Buying a Franchise?

Saturday September 7 • 3:00 pm- 3:30 pm
Jason Power
Barber Power Law Group

Are you interested in buying a franchise but have questions about what to ask the franchisor or how the relationship will work? Our seminar will give you an overview of the good and bad aspects of franchising, questions to ask yourself and the franchisor, and general tips on reading and understanding the franchise documents.

Business Financing for Veterans and Their Spouses  

Saturday September 7 • 3:40 pm- 4:10 pm
Karl Gatzke
My Military Financial Services 

Karl Gatzke is the Director of Sales and Marketing for My Military Financial Services, a company which offers recently-separated veterans and spouses resources for obtaining business funding to make their dreams of business ownership become reality.

He holds an MBA in Finance and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management. A Navy Veteran of Desert Storm and the Iraq War, he retired from the US Navy in 2009 after 20 years of dedicated service.

He continues the mission by staying involved in veteran issues and volunteering his time in multiple Veteran-Service-Organizations to educate military veterans and their spouses on post-military careers and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Commercial Real Estate Masterclass

Saturday September 7 • 3:40 pm- 4:10 pm
Dale Moe
Lind Realty  

Dale M. Moe is a retired Navy Chief that served our nation for 21 years with pride and honor. Dale's final tour of duty brought him to Jacksonville and upon his retirement he now calls Jacksonville home. Dale was born on the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. Dale is a realtor with the Lind Realty and Management team. Dale serves his community in many ways by being a member of the board of directors for the National POW/MIA Memorial at Cecil Field and President of the Rotary Club of North Jacksonville (2019-2020). Dale is also very active in the Jacksonville business community. He is the Vice-President and co-founder of The Edward Meredith Foundation, an Entrepreneurial coaching and training non-profit firm. Considering his service to his country, the Jacksonville community and business development Dale still feels that his greatest accomplishment is being a husband and father.

Sunday September 8, 2019

Don't Mess Up! - Helpful Tips To Avoid Mistakes in Your Franchise Research

Sunday September 8 • 11:40 am - 12:10 pm
Todd Weiss
The Franchise MBA

Todd Weiss, CFA is an industry leader in both the franchise and coaching industries. He possesses a special passion for helping people become their absolute best with the gifts they’ve been given. Join Todd for an informative seminar on helpful tips in investigating your options in franchise opportunities.

How To Drive Explosive Growth in Your Franchise

Sunday September 8 • 12:20 pm- 12:50 pm
Derek Bishop
Franchise Fastlane

Franchisors, If you are interested in learning more about how Franchise FastLane has helped their franchisors move from emerging brands to some of the Fastest growing brands in the country this is the presentation for you. Franchise FastLane is a full turn key franchise development company and they will be talking about how their process works, what makes a good franchise partner and the success they have achieved for the franchise brands they represent. You drive your business. We drive your growth!

Franchise Your Business

Sunday September 8 • 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Chris Connor
Franchise Marketing Systems

For business owners that are considering whether to franchise your business or entrepreneurs that have questions on how to buy a franchise, FMS provides consultative guidance and advice on how to best manage the franchise industry. Mr. Conner has worked directly with several hundred different franchise systems as a franchise consultant and advisor.

Franchise Funding Strategies

Sunday September 8 • 1:40 pm - 2:10 pm
Mariah Bohn

Explore the different the programs available for funding and how to use them to purchase your franchise quickly safely and economically.

What To Know Before Buying a Franchise?

Sunday September 8 • 2:20 pm - 2:50 pm
Jason Power
Barber Power Law Group

Are you interested in buying a franchise but have questions about what to ask the franchisor or how the relationship will work? Our seminar will give you an overview of the good and bad aspects of franchising, questions to ask yourself and the franchisor, and general tips on reading and understanding the franchise documents.

Business Financing for Veterans and Their Spouses  

Sunday September 8 • 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Karl Gatzke
My Military Financial Services 

Karl Gatzke is the Director of Sales and Marketing for My Military Financial Services, a company which offers recently-separated veterans and spouses resources for obtaining business funding to make their dreams of business ownership become reality.

He holds an MBA in Finance and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management. A Navy Veteran of Desert Storm and the Iraq War, he retired from the US Navy in 2009 after 20 years of dedicated service.

He continues the mission by staying involved in veteran issues and volunteering his time in multiple Veteran-Service-Organizations to educate military veterans and their spouses on post-military careers and entrepreneurial opportunities.
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