It’s a well-known fact that the success of any business is greatly impacted by the quality people hired. When a new hire proves successful, the company benefits and transversely when a hire doesn’t work out, it can be disastrous creating a lot of turmoil for the business.
That said, having a business in a geographical location that lends itself to education, vocational training, infusion of investment capital and government supported programs will greatly assist in finding top notch talent for a plethora of businesses. This is where BOSTON comes in:
Boston is one of the oldest cities in the US that maintains stellar higher education institutions like Harvard, MIT and Boston University. Given that many students and graduates need employment; This environment provides a hotbed of talent pools for businesses to choose from.
Additionally, there is a huge start-up technical community with strong investment capital and established companies like Accenture are bulking up their workforce in Boston—creating additional demand for work and smaller businesses to support them and their communities
This past June (2017) the city of Boston infused nearly $11 million to prepare more than 3,000 residents to fill growth industries' talent gaps. ( )
Boston is clearly having a revival in business opportunities, and having the talent pool to support it can take the edge off of one of the biggest challenges for businesses—hiring great people that will poise a business for success!
The innovation spirit is alive and well which helps all businesses by creating a community of passion with a range of diverse new ideas. Innovation, education and business growth is clearly working overtime in Boston, and there is no better time as an entrepreneur to take full advantage of Boston’s culture and professional community that is on-fire right now!
Attend The Great American Franchise Expo - The #1 trade show for those seeking to own a franchise in Boston.