Several years ago, I woke up one morning and found myself at a cross roads. I had a great job in corporate America, was making a nice stable income, but something was missing. I was lost. Corporate America was becoming larger, unpredictable and more difficult to navigate and I found myself questioning. Is this the right career for me? Do I want to retire from this job? Is it too late for me to go back to business ownership? What’s next? The list went on and on and on… So, I did what any rationale human being would do, I went to the office and quit! Looking back, I probably needed to rethink my approach, but it turned out to be one of the best and most rewarding decisions I have made. A key factor in my decision was getting educated and exposed to
franchise opportunities
that would enable me to be my own boss. I decided to explore a career path that offers a lot of options but a path I didn’t know too much about...Business Ownership!
Here is a quick list of perks that I discovered that comes with
franchise ownership
beyond having a proven business model to work with:
Ownership. You’re the boss! Owning your own business allows you to control the decisions and create the work environment you want to create. You chose the people you work with and who works for you and most important, you get things done faster (or slower). You control the pace.
Flexibility. Certain business models allow you set your own hours and in some cases you can work from wherever you want. What is better than that? Flexibility and balance are two of the most desired requirements in today’s business world. Business ownership gives you both.
Challenge. Most entrepreneurs thrive on the “no two days are the same” principal. Each day is filled with a different opportunity that allows creative thought pattern and problem solving.
Passion. You love what you do! You chose your business for a reason and when you are having fun, long hours don’t feel like work. By the way, I don’t want to imply that long hours are the norm when you own your own business. There are plenty of businesses that give you options in ownership structure that we can’t discuss in this blog, for example: Manage the Manager, Executive Models could be great fits…With
your own business and depending upon your situation, there is no question that you will be working hard the first 2 to 3 years vs the alternative of working hard for the next 20 years in a corporate setting with no guarantee that you are going to retire with that company…
Pride. Nothing gives us a sense of accomplishment more than when we are successful. Business ownership allows you to be successful on your own terms under your own leadership and give you the
opportunity to share your story to inspire others.
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